About Kiwi Energy
Kiwi Energy is a New York-based energy retailer dedicated to providing innovative and clean energy solutions for electricity and gas supply. Kiwi Energy focuses on environmentally-conscious products backed by friendly and efficient service
As Kiwi Energy grew quickly, the company recognised the need to improve the scalability and performance of its billing platform. The billing platform was installed on a single physical server located in the Kiwi office, which was prone to hardware failures and outages. As all billing services were installed on this one server, the company struggled to scale the billing solution effectively.
Acurus worked with Kiwi Energy to identify the infrastructure issues that affected the production environment. Acurus also engaged the software vendor to identify any data sets that could be decreased or archived. During this process, Acurus conducted a full system discovery to identify all dependencies prior to a database server migration. Acurus also worked with development and program managers to develop a new development/ pre-production stack which could scale as new projects were added.
After Acurus successfully migrated Kiwi’s billing system to Amazon Web Services, Kiwi Energy immediately improved the running time of its billing tasks. The company could increase or scale its services with 24 hours’ notice. Acurus also works proactively to identify the points where Kiwi needs to increase services such as disk, CPU or memory. Kiwi also improved its backup and Disaster Recovery capability, with the ability to restore their services into another AWS region if required. As a result, Kiwi Energy grew its customer numbers from 30,000 to more than 100,000 without having to worry about its IT infrastructure.