Medibank Private hit by cyberattack

Australian health insurer Medibank Private has been forced to take some of its customer-facing systems offline after being hit by a cyberattack. Health insurer Medibank Private hit by cyber attack – ABC News Medibank’s ahm and international student policy management systems are currently offline.

Medibank is still seeking to confirm that no sensitive information from its 3.7 million members has been disclosed in the attack, stating it has not yet found any customer data that has been compromised including a formal statement to the ASX that “there is no evidence that any sensitive data, including customer data, has been accessed”.

Chief executive David Koczkar said Medibank recognised its responsibility, given the sensitive data it holds about people’s health.

Medibank requested its shares be halted from trading while it continues Investigations into the cyber attack.

The attack follows a recent breach at telecommunications company Optus, where as many as 9.8 million customers’ personal information could have been exposed to hackers: Optus Hacked: Customers warned to check in with their banks after personal data exposed – Acurus

These high profile incidents will drive change in the legal obligations of Australian companies in regards to their obligations around protecting themselves and their customers from the impact of cyber security related events.

If you don’t have a clear direction on what your cyber security position is and your strategy moving forward you owe it to your customers, employees, board and yourself to take action now.
